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Field Education


Field education is a critical component of social work education. The Social Work Department at Brigham Young University – Hawaii requires its B.S.W. students to complete a single block placement of at least 425 hours at a social service agency. That placement, or internship, is completed during a student’s last semester after all required social work courses have been successfully completed. Please refer to the Field Practicum Manual for policies and procedures regarding field education.

Information for Students

The field placement process in the Social Work Department at Brigham Young University – Hawaii is a cooperative effort between the student and the Director of Field Education. In the semester prior to their field placement, students are required to take SOCW 490 – Practicum Preparation Seminar, during which they will be taught how to secure a field education placement, will learn what is expected during the student’s internship and will be prepared to begin their internship the following semester. The following documents can assist students in preparing for their field education placement and will be reviewed in more detail in SOCW 490 – Practicum Preparation Seminar:

Field Practicum Manual
Internship Placement Process
Internship Application
Internship Contract

Please note that students should not have an Internship Contract signed with the approval of the Director of Field Education.

Information for Prospective Agencies

The Social Work Department at Brigham Young University – Hawaii is always looking for new agencies to partner with where we can place our interns. There are a few basic requirements that must be met for social work interns to be placed at your agency:

  1. Your agency must be a social work setting
  2. You must have a B.S.W. or M.S.W. on staff, who has at least two years of social work experience, who can provide at least one hour of supervision for our interns each week.
  3. Your agency must have been in business for at least one year.

If your agency meets these requirements and you would like to be considered as a placement agency for our interns, please complete the Internship Agency Approval Form and the Field Instructor Application and return them to the Director of Field Education. For more information on the policies and procedures of the field education program, please refer to the Field Practicum Manual.

Field Instructor Training

Coming soon.